At, we understand how much you value your every purchase. And we are committed to making your shopping experience with us as delightful as possible.

We assure you that all books sold on Bhodhi are brand new and 100% genuine. In case the book you received is ‘Damaged’, ‘Defective’ or ‘Not as Described’, our Friendly Returns policy has got you covered.

When you Order the book which Out-of-Stock from the publisher side?
If Ordered book is in out-of-stock, we will refund the amount to your account, or you can select any other book of your choice for the same value. The amount will be credited back to the same payment mode in 24-48 hours. (At times the books may go for re-print, and in such situations the book will be out of stock with the Publisher also)

How do I return a ordered book on
You can return a ordered book only if the book had been damaged on transit with in 7 working days. Please call our customer support for any help.

Please send the book through Indian Postal Service/local courier economical mode and we will credit the postal charges to your bank account.

If the book is damaged on transit, we will send you a new copy as fast as possible with no questions asked.
We ensure that every book delivered goes through without any damage in binding or pages before packing.

When and how can I cancel an order ?
You can cancel your order before it reaches the “Order shipped” state in your account. You can inform us by send an email to along with the Order Id with mail subject “ORDER CANCELLATION”.

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